Digital accessibility is a right for all users

Corpowid - is a digital accessibility widget for websites. With the help of this widget, you can provide functionality intended for users with disabilities, including epilepsy, dyslexia, limited vision, cognitive impairments, and other health limitations.

The logo of Corpowid widget between social icons About page slider contrast icon About page slider text spacing icon
Corpowid - Accessibility widget for your website

The internet is a part of our lives.

We get news from the internet, communicate with friends on the internet, shop, and even make payments online. Unfortunately, the majority of global internet resources, more than 96%, are not suitable for disabled users, and 20% of global internet users are disabled. Our goal as Corpowid is to make internet resources accessible by providing equal rights to disabled users. In other words, making the internet accessible to everyone.

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Empowering Accessibility: Our Valued Partners

At Corpowid, we believe in collaboration.  Our valued partners play a crucial role in promoting accessibility and empowering organizations to make their websites inclusive. We're honored to work with leading companies and non-profits who share our vision.

Inclusivity For Everyone
Inclusivity For Everyone
Comply With Legislation
Comply With Legislation
Easy Installation
Easy Installation
Technical Support
Technical Support
Attract New Customers
Attract New Customers
Technology can be incredibly enabling, or disabling

Technology is key to scalable and affordable accessibility

Regardless of size, organization, or budget, we provide technological solutions to achieve accessibility functionality and digital accessibility for website owners.

Berners-Lee's tweet, "This is for everyone", at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London

Berners-Lee's tweet, "This is for everyone", at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London